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Green Mountain Athletic Association Constitution

Name: The name of the organization will be the Green Mountain Athletic Association, abbreviated GMAA.

Goals and Purpose: The GMAA promotes health, fitness, and friendship through participation in athletics and athletic competition. Its purpose is to offer opportunities for individuals to achieve these goals, providing recreational and educational services to its members and the wider community.

Affiliation: The GMAA is a member of the New England Association of USA Track and Field and the Road Runner Club of America, adhering to the principles and regulations of USAT&F and RRCA.

Board of Officers and Directors:

  1. President
  2. Vice-President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Database Manager
  6. Newsletter Editor
  7. Publicity Coordinator
  8. At-Large Members

Terms of Office: Officers serve for two years, starting in odd-numbered years. Elections for all officers occur at the annual meeting closest to the start of the term. At term’s end, current officers will nominate a new slate, and any member can make additional nominations. If an officer steps down mid-term, the board can appoint a replacement, confirmed at the next annual meeting. Elections are decided by a simple majority.

Membership: Membership is granted upon payment of prescribed dues. Details are provided in the Bylaws.

Finances: The GMAA is a non-profit organization under federal and Vermont statutes. Income comes from membership dues, event fees, equipment rentals, contributions, and other sources. Only the President and Treasurer are authorized to disburse funds or assume financial obligations. The Treasurer provides an annual financial report to members and a report to officers at each meeting.

Dissolution: Dissolution requires a two-thirds vote of the membership and must comply with federal and Vermont statutes for non-profits. Membership dues are non-refundable.

Amendments: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws can be made at the annual meeting or through newsletter voting. Any member or the board can propose an amendment. Details are provided in the Bylaws.

Purposes of the Green Mountain Athletic Association

  1. The GMAA is organized to foster and conduct amateur sports competition within the meaning of Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and will operate exclusively for this purpose.
  2. Formed under the Vermont Nonprofit Corporation Act, Title 11, Chapter 19, VSA, the GMAA is not for profit and cannot issue stock or declare dividends. Earnings will not benefit any member, director, officer, or private person, except for reasonable compensation for services rendered and payments furthering its purposes.
  3. The GMAA can accept gifts, donations, and property, applying them as directed by donors or the Board of Officers to further its purposes.
  4. The GMAA will not engage in substantial propaganda, influence legislation, or participate in political campaigns.
  5. The GMAA will only conduct activities allowed for organizations exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) and those eligible for contributions under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  6. Upon dissolution, the Board will distribute the GMAA’s assets for exempt purposes as defined in Section 501(c)(3). Any remaining assets will be disposed of by a court for similar purposes.


Duties of Officers and Directors

President: Represents the GMAA, presides at meetings, promotes relationships with other organizations, and oversees the coordination of GMAA activities.

Vice President: Assists the President and presides over meetings in their absence.

Secretary: Records and publishes meeting minutes, handles correspondence, renews memberships with associations, and assists the Database Manager.

Treasurer: Manages receipts, disbursements, and financial forecasting. Coordinates with race directors on race balance sheets and prepares financial reports for officers’ meetings and the annual meeting.

Database Manager: Maintains the membership database, manages membership cards, coordinates volunteers, and provides membership totals and mailing labels as needed.

Newsletter Editor: Coordinates the publication and distribution of the quarterly newsletter, including reports, race schedules, results, and membership forms.

Publicity Coordinator: Advertises club races, posts results, and ensures race schedules are available to relevant media and internet pages. Works with race directors for event publicity.

At-Large Members: Appointed by the board to assist in decision-making and club activities, including the annual meeting.

Duties of Members

Members must pay annual dues to maintain their status. They should assist with at least one GMAA event or activity each year and are encouraged to take on leadership roles, attend activities, and serve as race directors or officers. Dues paid after October 1 count towards the next calendar year, with initial memberships being partial-year.


The annual meeting occurs in January or February, where necessary elections or votes take place. Officer meetings are called by the President as required, approximately quarterly. General members may attend officer meetings to discuss issues but cannot vote. Members can petition the President for a meeting on specific matters with at least 15 signatures.


Constitutional or Bylaw changes must be voted on at the annual meeting or through newsletter voting. A quorum of 25 members is required, and amendments need a two-thirds majority of present members. Officers are elected by a simple majority, and absentee voting is allowed. Newsletter voting requires responses within 14 days of the postmark.


Refer to the Constitution for details on amendments.

Apple Harvest 2021.